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                       We are saving a seat for you.


                                                          If you are visiting us for the first time, ask our Greeters or

                                                    Ushers any questions you may have. Our Greeters and Ushers

                                                    are stationed inside the doors to the church sanctuary. They

                                                    will direct you to where you need to go, either for Family

                                                    Christian Education classes or a worship service.


                                                          Communion is celebrated several times during the month.


     Before and after Family Christian Education is a wonderful time to meet the

people of St. Paul and Pastor Paul Tessaro.


     We hope we will have the opportunity to meet you!


Worship and Study at St. Paul


     Here at St. Paul we offer many opportunities to worship in fellowship with others, study in fellowship with others and serve in fellowship with others.


     Regular worship services are held Saturday's at 6:30pm and Sunday at 9:00 am 


     During the Seasons of Advent and Lent we have Wednesday Services at 12:05 and 7:30pm. Along with those are our Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Eve and New Years Day Services.


     Following our Sunday service, starting at 10:30am, we have a number of adult bible study classes and pre-k through high school classes going. For a current list of adult Sunday classes please refer to the Weekly Bulletin.


     We also offer a number of Small Group at home Bible studies. For more information on those, please contact the church office at 785-632-5301 or email


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