Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse ministry will be occurring in November again this year. Shoeboxes for you to pick up and use will be available on the table in the hall. You can also use any standard shoe box or a plastic one. Extra items for the shoe boxes will be available on the table with the shoeboxes. These items were purchased with a Thrivent card by Natasha Havelone and she is
donating them for this purpose, so you can add any of those items along with the items you purchase. Please take a brochure on How to Pack a Shoebox which will also be on the table.
The brochure explains what items that can be included and includes a label for the boxes to identify if it's for a boy or girl and for what age group the gift is appropriate. The collection dates are November 13-20th. PLEASE return you completed box to the table at church by November 12th and Rita Wollenberg will take them to the
collection site at Mizpah church. Contact Rita @ 785-632-4645 if you have any questions.